Be Nice to Your Architect

Be Nice to Your Architect


Your Architect-Designer is Wired for Creativity


There is a high probability that your Architect or Designer has many ideas bubbling around inside them.

Their natural bent towards creativity was likely part of their decision to enter that field.

That’s an asset in your favor.  Too many rubber bands, that constrain creativity, are not in your favor.

Businesswoman running but restricted by large rubber bands

If you decide to develop your own Community independent of a professional, ensure that you have creative people on your team that also understand how to think broadly, and have lots of experience.

Architects and designers typically have considerable depth and breadth of experience and knowledge. They provide valuable insights that can make a substantial difference.

Someone needs to understand how all “the pieces” fit together.  Knowing how all of the pieces fit together can help keep your costs (and mistakes) down.

Yurts at oceanside
Village winter scene - shot from surrounding higher elevation with lights on the in the village at dusk
Interior design concept showing involvement of the designer-architect with a floating sketching hand and the aesthetic outcome.
Quaint village - presumed to be European with shops and housing on each side of the street
Architectural model of a house
Smaller houses in a row - possibly tiny houses
Architect with model of a house
Subdivision or land boundary map
Apartment block - 4 stories high
Hobbit-like house in a tree
Older couple looking at a model of a smaller house