Housing Options and Concept Models


The Concept Model images (below) build upon principles that we discuss in Reimagine – Rethink Community (CR2).

Can you go to these today?  Sorry … but not directly through us.

These are just stock photo images that we have collected for this article. Kudos to the digital artists behind these assets, and we are grateful for the participating subjects … including one very photogenic dog! He’s obviously made up his mind on how Community should work (meaning this pet gets to come along).

These are Vision Seeds. But seeds have a way of growing when they are watered. Children and adults can learn together while gardening and sharing as family in a meal together! There is value in a multigenerational and multicultural environment.

These are approaches that make sense to us to help address the very real and acute affordable housing shortages that are common in many newspaper articles, media discussions, and everyday “around the coffee cup” discussions.

As part of developing your Vision (for you and/or others), we offer these visual samples. We will add more samples from time to time.  Many additional concepts are introduced in the Book Series (see The Village Marketplace for the links).

We begin with sample scenarios. Mix n match. Change it up. Redo the house style and size. Add on a veggie garden at the front of the house. Fence the yard for Mr. Woof (he’s friendly and part of your family). Bolt on other ideas from the series (or your own imagination). A stained glass tiny house (pictured below). Seriously—that’s pretty cool.

Share ideas with friends (old and new) through existing proven image sharing sites (Instagram, Pinterest, etc.). Use your collective creativity to shape your vision. Talk it up on your social media sites of choice. Go multigenerational. Go multicultural.

Check out our article on tiny homes within our Sample Village.

Have some fun!
