The Big Three


Villages and Neighborhoods are Everywhere


A Village isn’t just in the Country.

A Village in Reimagine-Rethink is made up of one of more Neighborhoods.

Families, Couples and Singles live in Neighborhoods.

A Neighborhood and Village has absolutely nothing to do with a particular area for zoning or what’s on a map. It might be.  But it doesn’t have to be.

A Village is closer to the idea of where people live and work.  It’s where people hang out together. Go for walks or coffee. It’s a loose (not a rigid) definition. You can just as easily say similar things about your Neighborhood.

Villages and Neighborhoods are Basic Building Blocks


Let’s repeat that. Families, Couples and Singles tend to live in a Neighborhood of sorts. 

Neighborhoods are like Building Blocks. If you take one or more Building Blocks (Neighborhoods), it begins to function like a Village.

Guess what?

It’s got nothing to do with what a parish, region, district, state, province, country, or county (take your pick and add to the list) calls it.

It is how people naturally form clusters and live together.

Usually realtors and locals understand the dynamics more than any formal legal definition. The formal boundary of a roadway on a map has got nothing to do with Bill visiting John on the other side of the roadway.

The grumpy dog might define a line though.

Villages and Neighborhoods are Natural Historical Formations


Often, people formed Villages and Neighborhoods for the Basics of Life. Food. Water. Friendships. Education. Farming.  Food storage. Work and Play.

If you live in an Indigenous Village or an Inner City Village (you might call it a Neighborhood), the same basic principles exist.

It’s a bit like a cluster of grapes on a vine. In fact, within Rethink My Community and in our Publications, we introduce the idea of Clusters on a Vine. 

Water and nutrients need to get to the grapes (along with some sunshine!) or this isn’t going to be much of a year for wine.

We Use Villages within Cities Too!


While the term “Village” is often used to mean something like a “Town,” we aren’t using it that way.

Villages can exist in a City or in the Country. It’s an area (often somewhat fluid or flexible) that often has a certain look and feel to it. The look and feel might be quite diverse or electic!

Long Time Ago


Often, in history, people lived in Villages. Sometimes, within Cities.

In history, Villages are important. And so are the people in your Neighborhood.

The Basics of Life


Akha Village, Sapa, Vietnam

Often, it makes sense to grow crops and share with one another in the context of a Neighborhood or Village.  We all need some basics.

Food. Water. Clothes. Shelter. Friends. Connection with other people.

It doesn’t matter if you are born in a given Neighborhood or Village or are a refugee from another war-torn country.

The Core Needs remain.

Take away one of the basics (like connection with others due to a pandemic), and just watch what happens.

This isn't Complicated


This isn’t complicated. It doesn’t need a fancy computer and GIS (Geographic Information System) program to figure it all out.

It’s just people doing the basics of life.

People come and go. People walk with their dog and drop in for coffee with their friends.

The Big Three – Villages, Neighbors and the Basics of Life – are not complicated. The Big Three stand against the scrutiny of formal thinking patterns.

Imagine your dog gets out of its yard and then decides to take a stroll about 20 minutes walk away. You find the dog with a “stranger.” Your circle of Neighbors might grow. Then you have them over for a barbecue. This is NOT about a formal spreadsheet, GIS system or a map.

This is not about Yet Another Study.

This is about Life and the natural dynamics of Life.
