Tell Me More About the City and the Country




Virtual Projection of IoT and smart city

Some people love the city. Some love the country. Some tolerate the city. Some tolerate the country.

The list is endless.

We respect personal choice. That’s why we offer options.  If you want to stay in the City or move to the City, there are great sites to visit.

To Reimagine or Rethink the City …

If you are an Urban Planner (or want to offer input into your City) looking for alternative viewpoints, this is a great site to get you started. There are many excellent sites dedicated to the topic of Urban Planning.

If your City or City Department (take your pick) is bogged down with Rule-Bloat and OUTDATED whatever, then Reimagine My Community is a good place to begin loosening up The Rusty System. Reimagine is like stretching exercises before a workout.

Create Community in cities in ways aligned with your goals and passion.

But, heads up! When we are too reliant and dependent on technology interconnectedness, we run the risk of problems.

Problems can occur when the grid is down. We know, already, about the supply chain fiascos during COVID-19. We know, already, about the oddball weather events that can paralyze cities.  Sometimes, in dangerous ways.

Then there is the risk of undue “Big Brother” challenges when EVERYTHING is interconnected. Liberty and personal freedom can become compromised.

Sometimes, there are advantages to the Old Ways. We have stated already, on this site, that we aren’t against technology. But it must be held and developed in balance. 

The promises of liberty and freedom are only realized when the agenda and motives are correct. Avoid pathways where counterfeits are played out in society. Filter the voices and trends.

Choose your pathways wisely.

Country Life vs Country Lifestyle


Country Life gets into a lot of the more practical areas of life in the Country. It’s not for everyone (some people love the city). Likewise, “you can take the boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the boy.” 

We know that you might need to Reimagine and Rethink whatever options you are considering. There’s everything from school for the kids to friends and your work. Some of that needs a bit of Reimagine. Some of that needs some Rethink.

Country Lifestyle gets into what works for you in a Country setting.

This gets into the fun stuff. Barbecue in the fresh country air. Walks in the woods.

Did we mention decorating?

Or what might the Country Kitchen look like with friends over for coffee?

Yum! That’s a great recipe! Care to share it?

We know you’ll like your new neighbors. They kinda’ grow on you.



Unless you plan on a 20-year fast, food is a consideration. Hopefully, healthier than the pictured straight desserts and sweets!

Some people love to Farm. We think this is a great place to Reimagine or Rethink a Farm. Dream a little and have some fun.

Go organic. Check out permaculture. Go with Regenerative Agriculture or Forest Farms. Help the Earth not GET TOO HOT!

We support farming! We all need to eat.

If you aren’t into being a Farmer, then what about Country Markets or buying products from the Farmer? Healthy products for you and your family!

Maybe you’re an Urban Farmer. Perhaps you have some pots on your patio for your “Farm.”  Perhaps you share a Community Garden. Perhaps you have a large lot and like to put in a garden. Perhaps you have a hydroponic invention overtaking the kitchen table (don’t quote us on that one!)

There’s lots in here if you like to eat.

But we must remember those without food …

Content or Feature Development in Progress

We are preparing content or features for these pages. We don’t have an ETA yet. 

In the meantime, there will be some coverage of these topics amidst blog posts and through other means (e.g., in the CR2 Book Series).

Your patience is appreciated!

The worker with the Blue Hat is the one doing the writing and development work. The other fella is just saying it’s all good and he’s into promo work.

Dog with blue cap and glasses at an old typewriter.

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