Discover – Core Topics




Discover takes us into a few core considerations we need to look at before we get into the “nitty gritty” (e.g., Land, Housing and Food) of our habitation. The Portal is always your best start point for getting ready for your Journey into Community.

Whether gone trekking in the mountains, or on a mineral exploration program and back to base camp in the evening, you need to prepare your pack and gear properly.

Writer’s Comment – Pictured is vintage exploration equipment. Some is still in use in the field! Exploration geology survey (compass and chain on grid, magnetometer, soils, etc.) was my summer work while at university. We won’t discuss what century in ancient history that was.

I still like the Silva Ranger compass. It works when my GPS battery is dead.

Rethink Visits Core Topics


The topics below are also developed further as part of Rethink My Community.

The CR2 Portal and Rethink explore these Core Topics at depth across many vantage points.



We all need the Basics of Life (e.g., Food, Water, Housing). 

Food production with Farms is important.

We explore the importance of building blocks for life (Neighborhoods and Villages) amid other considerations.



Illustration of fork in the road with a city and a country branch. Poses the question in Destinations: which one?

Do you love the City? Or the Country? We explore both areas and their application in Community. This discussion will shape us in many directions! 



Group picture, various ages and races, standing together as friends.

Belonging dives into the importance of Family. But the story doesn’t stop there. For Bands, Clans, Tribes and Nations form part of our identity.



Two people holding a spherical earth with animals on the sphere. Earth Day or equivalent significance - care of the earth.

Earth, and the Biosphere, is a massive topic by itself. We cannot embrace a true understanding of Community without understanding, respecting and stewarding the planet on which we all live.

Success in business, at the expense of the Earth and the Biosphere, and future generations, is abject failure.

Earth reaches into the Environment, Climate Crisis, pollution, species and our inter-connectedness.



Interior design concept showing involvement of the designer-architect with a floating sketching hand and the aesthetic outcome.

Essences form part of our identity and culture. We form these within our chosen Locations for dwelling,

Some of us like to decorate  with a cozy farmhouse feeling. Others prefer a minimalistic approach. Yet others have memories from their culture and family line.



Multiple hands form an outline of a heart to communicate Community involvement. Against the background of the sun.

It’s not enough to do all of this just for ourselves. We live on a planet called Earth with many who are suffering. True Community embraces others, our brother and sister, and helps them.
