
We Need to Fill Gaps and Voids

There is no shortage of need.

There is lack in our Communities.


Gaps and Voids – Not Enough

In the case of the poor, their gap might be their next meal or where to sleep for the night.

There are those “up against the wall” of rising prices—increasing mortgage rates, rising food prices and not enough money even with careful budgeting—trying to make ends meet for their family. 

We end up with things like unaffordable housing. Or nutrition shortfalls (processed food shortcuts). Or extra work and lost family time. Or undue stress. Or withered dreams and hopes. Or …

The list of “or’s” in the last paragraph is lengthy.


Gaps and Voids – More than Enough

While the wealthy do not encounter the same gaps or voids, they too have gaps in their lives. They might not be thinking about dumpster-diving for food, or sleeping in their car or on the park bench. But they have gaps and voids.

Their gaps and voids include topics like where to find meaning in their lives. Useful places to invest monies before they die. Wanting to make a difference: to make a mark. To leave a legacy—not just a tombstone gathering dust.

Or their lot in life is trying to offset the pain of their children gone astray, broken relationships, drug dependencies, or a spouse with terminal cancer.

Get to know them.

They too have gaps.

The gaps are there even when they might not be aware of them or acknowledge them. We all have burdens to bear, being human.

Suffering varies. But it is always there.

For we each encounter suffering, in degrees, in life. Some will suffer less. Some will suffer more.


Wasted Wealth and Gain

Squandered monies in Community projects do not interest the wealthy. Frequently, they have known the toil of careful stewardship of money and the “blood, sweat and tears” of earning wealth. They are not looking for money pits to siphon off residual capital. 

Some of them are looking for ways to exercise prudent giving into Community projects. They want sustainable projects that are not just a handout and an ongoing siphoning off of capital or operating monies.

We know the gaining of wealth has not always been done with righteousness or good morals. The wealthy and powerful, at times, have gained their position in life at the expense of others. This is not the case in all situations.

Or, family money and “connections” have supplied the seeds and catalysts. The pathways vary.

Some acquire wealth in the right ways. Others do not.


Pick the Term You Like

Gaps and voids need filling.

Philanthropy. Charitable endeavor. Helping those less fortunate. Pay it forward. Die with a clear conscience. Social benefit. Social giving. Giving back. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Ethical giving. Economic conscience. Share the love. Contribute.  Good intent. Good deeds.

Build good karma. Sowing of seeds. Bless others. Give to others. Help your neighbor. Selfless giving. Expect nothing back. Gifts. Selfless giving. Altruism. Endowment. Servant of others. Bestow. Just be kind and nice. Do a good deed. Help the less fortunate. What goes around comes around. Humanitarian. Remember the poor.

Call it what you may.

We realize there are differences in the listed terms … what is important is that we fill gaps and voids as we are able. The amount might be small. Or large.

The motive of the heart is what counts.


Fill Gaps and Voids

The bottom line is this: a cornerstone of true Community allows for the filling of gaps and voids.

Those with extra can help those with less. Those with less can provide benefits back (not always in monetary ways). The two-way flow creates dignity and joy for both. It’s a good thing.

We cannot always look to government, as if they are an endless well of money, to solve our problems.

CR2 encourages you to Reimagine and Rethink your approach to Community. We provide pathways and content to help with that.
