Learn is a Gathering Spot


Learn is a gathering point for a variety of core topics.

Content in Vision, Dwell and Grow relate to these areas of learning and discussion. There are several windows or vantage points into the content associated with Vision, Dwell and Grow.

Select the area of interest from the Main Topics below by clicking on the image or the link button.


Foundations explores topics that are building blocks within Reimagine – Rethink Community.

Community requires sound foundations.


In Connection, we look at the importance of “having a heart.”

This topic reaches into areas like Compassion, Getting Involved, and Stewardship of the Earth.

In Connection, we explore the importance of a Humanitarian focus embedded in Community.


Discussions reaches into everyday topics such as Housing (and some hurdles) and R&D in Community.

We expect this is a section that will find many more areas to discuss. Our blog and forum extend these topics and many more.


Samples provides a quick look into our websites and important topics within our Publications.

We aren’t all serious …
