Humanitarian – A Core Focus


CR2 and Humanitarian


Reimagine and Rethink both have a strong Humanitarian flavor and foundations.

The foundation for creative Journey (Reimagine My Community) is built on the concept that Community is central to our existence and being.  We fully embrace the idea that we are creative beings. This foundation in Community, quite naturally, creates an “outward-focus” and seeks to assist those around us: our neighbors in life.

It is not enough to be concerned solely with our own lives in the City, the Country, or on a Farm, with whatever Lifestyle we choose. The lives of our families, friends and neighbors are very important. You will discover a Humanitarian aspect woven into the sites.

The ocean of human suffering is vast.

Struggle, Suffering and the Need for Villages


We must keep our heart open to the very real struggle of families and individuals—including other countries and cultures—that are suffering or that have a more difficult passageway in life.

Displacement and hardship can occur through famine, disease, climate change and war.  Others, even within the confines of our own country, long for the basics of life.

Sometimes we need to Reimagine and Rethink new places of dwelling: we call those Villages.

Natural disasters word cloud

Places of refuge. Places of rebuilding. Places of hope. Places where new and fresh approaches—culturally sensitive and environmentally-conscious— can unfold for the common benefit of our “brothers” and “sisters” within humanity. They too have their story and tears. They too can be a blessing to us. It’s not just one way: they have good things to offer us as well.

Who are the “they” in life that we refer to? The ones we call Humanity. Our neighbors. Yes, our neighbors have many skin colors, walks of life, countries of origin and beliefs. Many of them bear wounds in their individual journey in life. Not all wounds are visible.

Sometimes our neighbors need a fresh start. Show them love, mercy and justice. You can’t go wrong when you do that from a pure heart.

We talk more about what we call The Big Three in the following link.

Villages: New and Old


Villages can be already existing and visible (towns, villages) or they can be built new.

Sometimes, a Village is created when existing structures (e.g., old schools, abandoned towns, empty box stores, apartment blocks) are repurposed and then become a Community Village. Villages can be tiny homes. Wheeled or on foundations. Or floating.

We are keenly aware of Housing Shortages for those with lesser financial means or special needs. 

We believe that there is strength for Community within Neighborhoods. Even strong and good Neighborhoods can benefit from collective reimagining and rethinking of approaches.

We believe there is a fundamental relationship between Villages, the Basics of Life, Neighborhoods, and Humanitarian endeavor.

“Boots on the ground” (okay … flip flops, sandals, and running shoes!) are on it in Neighborhoods!

Where Do The People Go?


Climate change sign showing implications
Refugees walking in a line against dusk skies
Earth weeping

Many Countries Weep


Many countries are struggling. Some are in a state of war and conflict. Others encounter starvation. Others endure internal conflicts.

Tears are common.

Weeping eye surrounded by colors of Ukraine