
Community Obstructions

There are very real obstructions to the formation of Community.

Typically, this comes from The System (see the Home Page Topic entitled “Limitations of The System”) up to its old tricks.

By “tricks” we mean everything from Red Tape to “gotcha’s” to a gazillion useless forms and protocols. The article on Housing Challenges (in the Housing Section) also helps to provide additional context and examples.

Catastrophic flooding hit New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina, 2005). The individuals that saved people’s lives jumped in everything from rowboats, bass boats, and johnboats to air boats. While the lumbering wheels of government churned, it was the Cajun Navy that got to work to save lives. Hats off to them for a job well done. They took the initiative to save lives. They are worthy of praise and our gratitude.


The NIMBY-Saurus and the Zone Troll


One eye of an alligator-like creature surveying the swamp

Zone Troll

A NIMBY-saurus is a homeowner—or a group of homeowners—that are intent on preserving their chosen lifestyles at all costs. Not In My Back Yard, please and thank you. The fact that others might be harmed (significantly) does not enter their calculations.

Known to hide in the weeds, they tend to bite if you accidentally step on them or their lifestyle. At minimum, you will get the evil-eye …

Favorite NIMBY mantra: “Don’t Rock MY Boat!” and follow our (unwritten) rules.

Zone Trolls enforce Zoning Areas for Housing and Land Usage. They aren’t like your typical social media trolls who are trying to bait people and provoke them. Zone Trolls simply like land usage Zones; beware if you are trespassing on their property: their Definition of Zones.

Dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s are like potato chips to a Zone Troll: they will never eat just one.

It’s fairly common to see Zone Trolls and NIMBY-Saurus’s forming cohorts. In nature, we call this a symbiotic relationship. Do keep in mind that not all symbiotic relationships are good-in-balance for everyone involved or those not within the symbiotic relationship.

Some of these cohorts are persistent; they are like termites, parasites or even bed bugs. Swap in fire ants for your analogy or metaphor of choice if there is a bad infestation.

NIMBY-saurus‘s do a great job of messing with the good intentions of people and organizations (including progressive cities, towns, and zoning and land-use officials).

These good intentions by good people can include topics like helping the Unhoused, the Disadvantaged, and others in need (including immigrants brought in to help the Housing Crisis).

The NIMBY-saurus has many pleasing-sounding rationales and positions. But their thick scales and voracious appetites outweigh their compassion for the sufferings of their fellow human beings. That’s not a good thing. What if they were on the receiving end of a lack of Housing?


Heads Up

Sometimes, you will need to cut cohorts (NIMBY-saurus and Zone Trolls) some slack.

Housing and land usage requires a degree of wisdom, common sense, and discretion.  There are occasions where there is too much societal risk involved. For example, one might not want a halfway house for violent sexual offenders next to a school playground. Consider carefully the arguments and points brought forth by those opposing land usage and zoning amendments. Their voice needs to be heard as well. Maintain balance. But “balance” or “we’ve always done it this way” should never be an excuse to avoid reasoned dialog.

Not all appearances of a NIMBY-saurus and Zone Troll cohort are against Community. After all, they might be seeking a higher good. Seek discussion, middle ground and an open mind. Remember to Reimagine and Rethink approaches when needed.


Please Speak with the Top Turtle on the Third Floor

The System, regrettably, is not dead.

It continues to lumber along, at the speed of pregnant turtles, when dealing with antiquated zoning laws. Or, they insist upon a YAS (technically, in formal circles, these are called Yet Another Study) and more tiger hoops to jump through.

We acknowledge all tortoises hanging out in their natural abode—with their natural ways and poses—for this image. Yes, baby tortoises have been known to hang out on top of mom and hitch a ride. Cool.

Editor’s Note: Not sure about tortoise #3 on top (third floor) … how it got there … we know that tortoises do two levels high in nature. Maybe the pic’s legit … don’t have a clue. If it was AI it could go 4 or 5 tortoises high. Yes, triple-decker buses exist. Not great for underground parking garages tho’.

Obstructions wear many types of clothing. They can wear a suit and tie and control the purse strings. 

Or, they can work behind a desk and nitpick away on what documentation you need (a) to get out of bed in the morning (b) for time allocations in the corporate bathroom to floss after eating broccoli at a business luncheon (c) to use the remote to open your work file cabinet and your garage door.

Important stuff.

Heaven forbid you are frying bacon or grilling a steak in some circles.

Then there is the legal machinery that threatens to steamroller over individuals who don’t fit their mold (mould, if you prefer). Something about the “pursuit of justice” (apparently long ago forgotten by some in that profession).

It’s relentless.

At least it keeps the drug manufacturers in business while the economy goes crazy and people get stressed.


We Dive into Obstructions

Dog with blue cap and glasses at an old typewriter.

We dive into Obstructions in our content.

Our books dive deep.

Stay tuned.
