A Place to Live


All Ages


Other Housing Options Exist




Shared Housing

Tiny House Villages

Others …

Unnecessary Hurdles

Dinosaur Zoning & Thinking


Obstacles Restricting Shared Resources

Check out our Obstructions  and Housing Pages!

Restraints Reduce Movements


Businesswoman running but restricted by large rubber bands

Movements Outside the Box


Time to Rethink Urban and Suburban


Refurbished industrial or commercial

Renewed unused office space

Regenerated Institutional

New Housing Technologies

More Unnecessary Hurdles

Dinosaurs and protectionism on steroids.

Did we mention unduly restrictive ZONING?

NIMBY among the wealthy and power brokers.

Backroom “deals.” Influential contacts utilized to “grease the wheels” that favors a privileged few. Seriously?

Failure to think outside the box.

Person in the middle of a large maze.

We Have to Ask Ourselves Why ...

  • Governments say they want to solve the Housing Problems;
  • There is, in all likelihood, reasonable individuals within the halls of Government. Not all individuals. But some are reasonable. Some hope for, and pursue, good forms of change.
  • No doubt, Government is deeply concerned. They don’t want the fiasco (or political or societal stability risks) of permitting too many people left unhoused. The current housing shortage situation is destabilizing (in any country—not just Canada where we write from) and invites problems.
  • Hurdles they (government) are aware of are not being firmly addressed. Why? Where are the roadblocks?
  • To what extent do the wealthy and powerful shape (or quietly restrict) policy? What other (unseen) factors exist?
  • At what point does the status quo become excessively disruptive for a society? Too much of a headache for government? When does action and courage become smarter than walking a political tightrope and playing the reelection game?
  • To what extent does conscience and courage play a part in this?  The flip side of the coin is this: to what extent does an insensitive conscience and fear play a part?



We All Age

Group of seniors all smiling and holding arms outstretched towards camera

Your Preference And Opinion Please

A robotic care aide for a senior in a bed


A real person? 

Or, a squeaky “tin man”?

Even More Unnecessary Hurdles

Cold profit or warm pets?

Seriously?  Sometimes, pets are the only family a person has.

When the fundamental approach to Community is amiss, the list of “But!, No! and Can’t Do!” just grows. Yes, we know that some pet owners are irresponsible.

Small dog looking out the window of an RV
Woof to Everyone!

Our Shared Story


Remember and Know … 

… life’s circumstances …

… for all of us ride in wheelchairs …

… but the chair is only visible for some …

…  often, their eyes see beyond ours …

Man in wheelchair fishing

Remember the wounded. From birth. From accidents. From illness. From crimes. From abuse. From service to their country.

They too seek homes, friendship and connection.


Remember to Walk with Them

For in Forgetting, we Lose Community

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