Limitations of The System

Limitations of The System


The System


“The System” is, in basic terms, how society goes about doing things.

But there are two aspects to that.

One is good (for example, good engineering means the bridge you drive over doesn’t fall down). As well, there are countless things we all do and celebrate. The author of this page likes barbecues and walks by the ocean. Christmas, twinkling lights, Christmas movies and getting together with family and friends are superb.

Then, there is “the other” system (System #2) which we call “The System.” It is more like a nasty neighbor or an ornery relative that you wish wouldn’t drop by. They are, of course, pure genius at arriving at the most inconvenient of times. One might think they read your mail (are they telepathic?) and can somehow sniff out what you are doing and when to drop by.

It’s the second one, “The System,” that we are most concerned about. As you might have imagined, it has limitations. It is a weak and broken System.

What's The System Like?


The System's Ways


The System we are describing (the ornery one—System # 2) does things like:

  • Hogs land, houses and possessions.
  • Struts around with wealth and power.
  • Manipulates laws and others for its own gain.
  • Kicks the poor out on the street (Ebenezer Scrooge, before the Christmas visitation by three spirits, is an unspoken hero of The System).
  • Creates complex forms of government and business that feed itself but doesn’t really help those who need help.
  • Quite happy to have membership in the best universities, yacht clubs, golf courses and resorts … especially to gain “connections.”
  • Likes and feeds on recognition by others and being at the center of much pomp and circumstance.
  • Is known to use organized religion to mandate and cover over broken ways and approaches.
  • Preys upon the poor or those with less power.
  • Forms protective cohorts to avoid discovery of broken and harmful ways.
  • Hides its dysfunction behind accreditations and accrediting organizations.
  • Justifies broken ways with irrational and harmful practices and teaching.
  • Not concerned—in meaningful ways—about the gap between the rich and the poor.
  • Not overly concerned about serious disconnects between what they practice and what they preach, adhere to, or whose teachings they purport to follow.
  • Will persecute those who speak against them
  • Is known for being a “pot calling the kettle black” and perceive themselves as faultless.
  • Not always a fan of those who seek to better the lot of life for the average citizen, immigrant or refugee.
  • Will take advantage of calamity and suffering for financial gain and profiteering.
  • A life of lies and hypocrisy doesn’t seem too bothersome to them.
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall always returns a conclusion that they are the fairest of them all.

The System is created by people.

It creates limitations.

It makes meaningful change more difficult than it needs to be.

Implied Limitations


System Change is part of what these protestors are calling out for.

The problem with “The Systems’s Ways” list above (it could be much longer) and The System itself is that it has limitations. With a focus on money (a love of money and power), we end up with broken societies. Then we run into problems like:

The Nasties: System Symptoms


  • Younger generations are in despair about the future.
  • Mental health problems and stress increases.
  • Buying a house is a lost cause. Costs are through the roof. Building materials and labor continue to soar upwards.
  • Rents keep climbing.
  • Affordable Housing? Like, seriously?
  • Both parents are on a hamster wheel (dog tired) trying to keep their house afloat. The family dog will soon be working graveyard shifts just to get a bone.
  • The System ignores requests by worried youth (and others). Or The System carries on with greenwashing, whitewashing, and a parade of half-truths. Or, outright lies.
  • Parks older adults in substandard places to age and die off.
  • Broken and expensive health care systems.
  • Fails to deal with root causes, and becomes a genius at minutiae or turning a molehill into a mountain.
  • Government attempts to fix the ever-growing list of problems. Well, at least until it runs out of money!
  • Government and corporations begin to run into more challenges.
  • Stakeholders (corporate and/or government) start to collide with one another. Say, what’s the price of a barrel of oil going for anyway? This can all lead to additional nasty symptoms (e.g., wars, trade embargoes, excess duties, hostilities, protectionism).
  • Weird versions of The Golden Rule play out: “He that has the gold makes the rules!”

The System isn't Your Friend


If you are starting out (younger or just “starting over” for whatever reason), then The System is rarely your friend.

All of that is a problem.

What that means is that the only way to “make a go of it” is for those in need to come together, in Community, and build out what we (all) need for life. Things like Housing, Food and a decent life.

You might not be just starting out, but the machinery of The System (including stupid-crazy housing and food costs) is making life very difficult.

Set an example, in Community, to those who seek to create limitations. Let your healthy Community speak volumes.

Should We Just Exit Earth?


We think Planet Earth is home. For now, anyway. We don’t get into new outposts on the moon, Mars or other galaxies.

This website, and our written content, is very much aware of “The System.” We seek to help provide solutions to the problems created by The System. Meanwhile …

Planet? Unknown.

Chance of rescue? Zero.

Navigation system? Toast.

Propulsion out of here? The parachute says it all.

Home? Sure doesn’t feel that way.

Doofus? Me for getting talked into this.

Smoke Break to Relieve Stress. It won’t work but what else can I do?

Pizza Joint Here? Now you’re getting on my nerves …

Are We Against Government or Business?


Are we against government or business?  No, we’re not.

But we will speak up about dysfunctional and broken systems. We will also seek solutions amid any of our “rants” about The System. We subscribe to thinking that states, “If you aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!”

We’re happy campers when those in The System say, “That’s enough!  I will change for the better!”

That’s great (assuming it’s true and real). Empty and fluff-filled words—without the actions of change—just annoy us.

Related Content


Our article on Community Obstructions offers thinking related to the above content.
