We Blend New and Old

Older Volkswagen bus or van at a beach for surfing
New electric bike showing a whimsical plug in coming from it

We Need New and Old in Balance

Too much new, or too much old, is a mistake.

There are old ways, ancient pathways, that have value.

The turnable dial, instead of everything digital, has its place. The old flip phones have come back.

Don’t get us on our soapbox about new appliances that last a fraction of the time of the old ones. Or farmers that can’t repair their modern tractors (too much technology and they will void their warranty if they attempt to fix it). Or trying to find a store clerk … anyway … we could write a book on this stuff!

Minimalism has a resurgence.

“Vintage” or “retro” calls out to us.

What happens when the electricity goes out? Or when the food supply chain is hampered? What happens when natural disasters challenge the new?

What happens when our needs are for simpler times, but the machinery of complexity surges onward?

We support progress and technology. But not at the expense of valued ways that have withstood the tests of time.
