Samples – Reimagine

Samples – Reimagine


The Trek Begins


Where will your heart take you in your Journey into Community?



Mr. Whoot has an opinion.


As moderator, Mr. Whoot always has something to say about anything.

Whether he stays around to debate it is another matter altogether.

As with other nocturnal raptors, Mr. Whoot has remarkable night vision. He swoops in for his midnight dining and then flaps off. He flies freely amid night winds.

Mr. Whoot - resident editor owl



As resident genius, librarian and ponderer of all things ponderable, Muttlee is on it. With impressive sniffer-skills, Muttlee sniffs out underlying ponderables.

He views ponderables like dog bones worthy of chewing on.

Basset Hound dog known as Muttlee looking very studious in a library. Character from Reimagine My Community website.

Plod and Slog


For their morning Philosopher’s Club Coffee, Plod and Slog take their time weighing in.

Truth be known, they always take their time.

And that’s their strong suit.

Ms. Peuw, Esquire


Ms. Peuw had always hoped to attend Burning Man, but anyone that “got wind” of her attendance would be sure to graciously decline her submissions.

She’s very smart and part of an Advanced Due Diligence team. To quote “Reimagine,” she brings considerable experience, nobility, and decorum to her coveted role as Senior Scrutineer.

She was once found having her siesta on a church pew. Rumor has it this didn’t go over so well …

"Rusty" Rooter


Rusty finds it strange how truth is often buried at depth.

An avid reader, Rusty digs deeper than most. It’s the insights into hidden bugs and worms that intrigues him the most. He finds the bugs and worms prevalent in high places of darkness (or should we say low?) the most fascinating.

It’s a Dark World Down Under (but he’s not thinking about Oz … Aus).



Cruiser is on a road trip.

It’s a Quest.

It’s a Trek.

He’s done with the canned dog food served up by the corporate world, greenwashers, whitewashers, and spin doctors. Sorry—we almost forgot false news and wayward political types.

Cruiser is a free spirit.

There’s nothing quite like a road trip and a chew on a bone with Muttlee.

Reimagine is a Trek and More

Reimagine touches on many different topics. Enjoy your exploration!

Reimagine is part of the Story Arc of Community.

The blue link button will take you back to the Reimagine – Rethink Explainer. We discuss Reimagine My Community in that article.

The Reimagine website will go through a planned freshening up when we can fit it in.
