Fantasy image of man at lakeside with waters flowing in/out from a large open book at the shore

Stories Shape Us


Our Collective Stories Form Community


Our understanding of Community is shaped by our Collective stories. 

We form our personal, family, ethnic and national identities within our stories.

Stories touch our lives. We love. We encounter loneliness. We laugh. We weep. We dance. We encounter illness. We live. We die.

Life is shaped when couples come together, and the flow of life proceeds.

Stories embrace our understanding, and shape our desires for Land, Housing, Food and Education to name just a few areas.

Stories shape our understanding of who we are. Our forms of worship. Our understanding of spirituality. Our values. Our ethics. Our absolutes. Our negotiable areas. Our creativity. Our intellect. Our wisdom. Our lack of wisdom.

Stories shape our parenting and our desires. Our significant other is shaped by the stories of our lives. Our offspring is shaped and carried through stories.

Our friendships are formed and shaped through story.

Vintage typewriter with text saying that Everyone has a Story

Community Follows a Story Arc


Everything in Reimagine – Rethink Community follows the Story Arc of Community.

We help you shape your Story within your Vision. It’s not our Vision, for you must shape your own Journey in Life. We are but a smiling fellow trekker on the pathway … stopping to chat. We encourage you to engage in creativity and a reimagining and rethinking of how to form Community. We Journey with you on a Trek with the end goal to Build Community.

Eventually, that needs to take form (in practical ways) in your chosen place to Dwell. New or existing construction? Rent? Buy? Share? Cohousing? Ecovillages? Urban? Rural? Off-grid? Tiny houses? Gone mobile?

All options are available and explored.

Grow reaches deeper than planting seeds, yet all expressions of Grow begin with seeds. We know that you need food, shelter, friends and purpose and dignity in life. A place to call home and realize the desires that carried you to your chosen place of dwelling.

Community is Linear and Circular


We are simultaneously linear and circular.

In conversation, there are linear parts (the recap of the ballgame) to engaging circular parts (discussions about the last barbecue and the sharing of recipes).

True Community, and Story, is like that. There is a structured and linear aspect. There is fluidity and circular aspects. The brief Framework and Ecosystem article might be of interest to some readers.

For readers who want just a linear 1-2-3 approach, this site has structure (The Story Arc of Community) but it weaves many colors into a circular tapestry and artistry of words.
