Weight and Value

There are many voices and words in this world. Some have weight and value. Others do not.

The voice and words from the youth below have weight and value.

Hear voices and words with weight and value. Regardless of age or appearance

What matters are worthy words with weight and value; words with wisdom at their foundation.

Community proceeds from these.

Their words and voice have weight

Hear them.

Think The System just needs a tuneup?

Think again.

The problems go deeper than the climate …

The issues are systemic. The roots run deep.

How Long Must this Continue?

Blame-passing and other ploys have been utilized for quite a while. Centuries, if we aren’t mistaken …

It is not in the best interests of our countries, societies or  culture. Or our individual lives.

We need to hear reasonable voices.

Hearing Means Filtering

Getting clarity on your vision requires accurate hearing.

This means filtering the many voices that are out there.

Sometimes, we need to slow down and be quiet to hear. We need to put aside blame, alternative theories, and step back.

Hearing means filtering as well as openness and flexibility. Dogma, overly rigid thinking, is not your friend in the context of Community. Yes, we need structure even as we need a skeletal system in our body to give it shape and form. But the skeleton is not the end of the story.

Clarity for Community will come … as you Journey:
