2 or 3 Heads are Better than 1

Community Vision is best understood in Community.

Join heads and look inside …

Journey Leads to a Vision

The Journey is up to you and your team. We paint word pictures in Reimagine and then dive into it in Rethink.

It’s the same for you and your team. Paint a picture and then dive into it.

Our Vision

We like to paint a Big Picture Vision for Community. Our writing dives into lots of details. We provide an Ecosystem for you to Grow Your Vision. We don't do cookie-cutter.

Grow Your Vision

Community can take many forms and expressions. Diversity is important. We value individual styles and approaches. We embrace differences, and different locations ...

Idea Center

We aren't the only ones in life coming up with ideas. Your creative ideas can help others as well.
Coming Soon


We all can get inspiration from other projects and concepts. Share what's well underway or built!
Coming Soon

We need to talk first

Visions from our heart excite all of us.

But, first, we need to talk about some of the challenges facing all of us.

The challenges are not minor.

As we put these challenges on the table in our writing, the “location” of our heart and thinking, then we can begin moving forward.

Our thinking, our paradigms, must change. Without that change, we cannot move forward in meaningful ways. The Ports of Call, our Journey, cannot happen without understanding—at depth in our hearts and minds—our starting point.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking

we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

Vision for Community always begins by hearing. That can come from your heart. It might come in a dream. Or, perhaps someone spoke something that resonated with you. It might have been a discussion with some friends or family. Perhaps you visited a village that spoke to you.

Journey follows the hearing.  In Journey, we encounter not only where we are at but what might be ahead. That includes challenges. 

You might even discover TWO Journeys!
