Understanding of Vision is a Loop


Refining of your Vision isn’t just one Aha! moment.

Typically, we need to refine a Vision. That takes some time. Iterations or “looping.” 

This involves discussions with others. On this page, we step back for a moment and assess our emerging Vision with reality checks.

Then we will move on to Dwell: the next (and important) part of the Story Arc of Community.

Our Societal Status Quo is Unsustainable


The status quo for our communities is not sustainable.

It is important to pause and reflect on a few of the hurdles we all face.

From there, we can focus on creative solutions.

Bad Stuff can Happen

We know life’s curve balls can harm any one of us. Risks can be diminished (not eliminated) with innovative approaches to Community. We all need hope.

We know the degree and extent of suffering can range from moderate to off-the-charts intense and devastating.

The Range of Suffering Scenarios is Extensive

Each reader has their list. Each society and culture has their list.

We all know suffering and pain as humans.

Some endure more than others.

Far more.

We all participate in the Consequences.

There are, for all of us, consequences emerging from the current happenings.

Unchecked lifestyles means nature suffers (and we do too). This creates unsustainable societies.

Greenwashing should be used in the kitchen for washing the salad greens. Greenwashing is not meant for communication of facts.

Focusing on the love of money, and not on issues of the heart, leads to unsustainable situations.

Washing machine full of green material signifying corporate greenwashing
Washday at Big Biz

Really like the “green-friendly” detergent they use. It’s either a cool-looking grinchy-green or troll-green. We’re undecided.

Guess they need lots of it. Wonder why? Our washer says to just put a wee bit of detergent in.

Strange, eh?

Scale balance with bag of money and a red heart - which one do you love the most?
What's Most Important?

Community Needs Resourcing

We realize that it is not enough to “just fund” housing or other initiatives during the build or launch phases. Ongoing Sustainability is a core consideration.

Time to Move On ...

Yes, visions from our heart excite all of us.

We have said our piece on this page about the challenges we face.

Let’s move on and focus on what we can change and do.

After all, we all need a place to Dwell.
