Where We Are At

First, we are the opposite of super-sized. We are a very small team. If you have wondered why this website is slow to add content or permit routine activities (like blogs, social media connectors, and other features), available hours in the week is one of the main reasons.

We are working on many background initiatives. These also take time. We will endeavor to move to two-way dialogue and participation as soon as we can. Same goes for features like blogs or discussion forums. Some of the background work is technical in nature. Other activities involve research and meetings.

We know you need two-way dialogue and places to connect with one another and discuss topics. For example, if Affordable Housing is a pressing need for you, you are likely looking for a practical solution (housing) for your situation. Meaningful two-way discussions—where we can also participate as we are able—is important to us and we are very much looking forward to that. We believe that a lot of wisdom and identification of good concepts and possibilities comes from you at a grassroots level. 

We don’t for a minute believe we have a monopoly on insights or wisdom.

Second, we are carefully building our foundations. We recognize the immense value of a collective journey into understanding Community. We are also desirous of building on good foundations (and not fluff or quicksand). Good foundations take time.

We appreciate your patience. Community is a large topic. We look forward to when we are ready to receive suggestions, ideas, and links from you!

Roadmap and Where We are Headed

The graphic of the artist that follows, with the word Engage and a list of possible media and communication forms, is a good indication of areas we are looking into and thinking about.

Our content breaks out into two main areas:

General information about Community of potential interest to many readers and users;

Regional content. This is content with direct application to your area(s) of choice. For example, an Affordable Housing Development or Tiny House Village might be underway in your area. Or hoped for! Or, perhaps, you might want to look into a Community Gardening initiative using vertical gardens in another area. Maybe something to help low or fixed income individuals with their situation.

Media and communication forms, and how they can be best worked with for regional content, is something we are presently discussing.
